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New Jersey governor signs law decriminalizing marijuana use for those 21 years and older

(CNN)New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday marked bills to sanction and direct pot use for those 21 and more seasoned, decriminalize ownership of restricted measures of maryjane and explain pot and cannabis use and ownership punishments for those more youthful than 21.

“This enactment will build up an industry that carries value and financial freedom to our networks, while setting up least norms for safe items and permitting law implementation to zero in their assets on genuine public wellbeing matters,” Murphy, a Democrat, said in a news discharge, expressing gratitude toward authoritative and local area accomplices for their work on the issue. “Today, we’re stepping forward to diminish racial inconsistencies in our criminal equity framework, while building a promising new industry and remaining on the correct side of history.”

Murphy’s unique goes ahead the impact points of a 2020 voting form measure that saw New Jersey vote to authorize sporting maryjane. State officials, incapable to find sufficient help to pass a bill to completely legitimize weed, consented to put the inquiry straightforwardly to electors: “Do you support changing the Constitution to authorize a controlled type of maryjane called ‘cannabis’?”

Public Question No. 1 changed the state constitution to legitimize cannabis for individual, non-clinical use by grown-ups 21 and more established, with the state commission that supervises the clinical market likewise managing the individual market.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill in December to end the government restriction on cannabis. While memorable, the vote was to a great extent representative and was never taken up by the Senate the legislative meeting finished.

A few states have hoped to slacken limitations on maryjane, with New Jersey joining a developing companion of states legitimizing cannabis use. Electors taking all things together five states with pot authorization on the polling form in November endorsed the measures, CNN revealed a year ago.

Like New Jersey, Arizona additionally casted a ballot to legitimize sporting weed, and Montana casted a ballot to both set up 21 as the legitimate age to buy, have and burn-through cannabis by established change and to authorize maryjane for sporting use. South Dakota affirmed authorization for both sporting and clinical use – the main state at any point to endorse clinical and sporting pot quantifies simultaneously – and Mississippi casted a ballot to sanction clinical pot, getting one of the principal southern states to do as such.

CNN’s Lauren Dezenski and Alicia Wallace added to this report.

2 months after the legalization marijuana ended in Canada

Two months after recreational cannabis was legalized, Canada’s new pot regime is still working out kinks in the supply chain and the enforcement of new rules.

Before the cannabis legislation came into force, the federal government listed its key objectives for the historic shift. Those goals include keeping cannabis “out of the hands of children and youth,” curbing illegal marijuana sales, and ensuring a safe supply of quality pot across the country.

More than 60 days after the first legal cannabis sales were made on Oct. 17, are those objectives being met? takes a look at how reality measures up against some of the government’s main promises.

The Cannabis Act states that only adults aged 18 or older can legally purchase, possess and grow small amounts of weed. Provinces and territories were allowed to impose their own age restrictions, and the majority have set 19 as the legal age.

Quebec’s new Coalition Avenir Quebec government made good on its election campaign promise and tabled legislation that would raise the province’s legal cannabis consumption age to 21 – the highest in Canada.

Of course, those age restrictions don’t guarantee that younger teens and kids won’t be getting their hands on pot. It remains to be seen whether legalization will actually reduce cannabis consumption among minors.
Reduce number of Canadians with criminal records

One of the main pillars of the Cannabis Act is reducing the burden on the Canadian justice system by eliminating criminal charges for simple pot possession. But what about those who were charged or convicted of the crime before Oct. 17, 2018?

In October, the federal government announced its intention to issue pardons to Canadians who have criminal records for possession of 30 grams of cannabis or less.

The legislation “to make things fairer” was expected to be tabled before the end of 2018, but that did not happen before MPs wrapped things up in Ottawa for the holiday break. When it eventually becomes law, those eligible for pardons will be able to apply as soon as the law is in effect, with no waiting period or application fees.

The Liberal government, however, has been criticized for not opting to expunge the criminal records of Canadians convicted of simple possession. An expungement would remove any record of a criminal conviction, while a pardon seals the record but does not erase it.

In Britain, allowed to sell medical marijuana

MEDICAL marijuana is used in several countries to treat a number of complaints – but its use has been mired in controversy for decades.

It remains largely illegal in the UK, although some forms do exist and can be prescribed by doctors or bought over the counter. Here’s what you need to know.
Cannabis oil is thought to help a number of ailments
Cannabis oil is thought to help a number of ailments
Is medical marijuana legal in the UK and what can it treat?

Marijuana, or cannabis, is the most consumed illegal drug in the UK.

It is commonly ingested by smoking but for medical purposes it can also be taken in oil or pill form.

Low concentration versions of cannabis oil are widely available in British pharmacies.

Makers say it can be used to help promote sleep, boost appetite and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Higher concentration forms of cannabis oil have been hailed for treating the symptoms of epilepsy, HIV and cancer.

But cannabis oil with more than 0.05 per cent THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – the psychoactive element – is banned in the UK despite high-profile cases like Billy Caldwell.

The 12-year-old was given a 20-day exemption to take higher strength cannabis oil to treat his severe epilepsy.

In July 2018 the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs said the rules should be changed so doctors have the option of prescribing cannabis-derived products for certain ailments.

It also recommended clinical trials to assess the safety and effectiveness of such products.
The cannabis plant contains THC and CBD (Cannabidiol)
The cannabis plant contains THC and CBD (Cannabidiol)Credit: SWNS:South West News Service
Is medicinal cannabis available on prescription yet?

It will be soon, yes.

Medicinal marijuana will become available on prescription within the coming weeks after Home Office Secretary Sajid Javid agreed to relax drug laws.

Medicinal cannabis will be available on prescription from next month, the Home Secretary announced today.

Doctors will be able to prescribe cannabis products to patients from November 1.

The new rules apply to England, Wales and Scotland, Sajid Javid said in a written statement.

It follows several high-profile cases, including young epilepsy sufferers Alfie Dingley and Billy Caldwell, whose conditions appeared to be helped by cannabis oil.

In order for a cannabis product to be considered medicinal it must meet three requirements: it “needs to be a preparation or product which contains cannabis, cannabis resin, cannabinol or a cannabinol derivative; it is produced for medicinal use in humans and; is a medicinal product, or a substance or preparation for use as an ingredient of, or in the production of an ingredient of, a medicinal product”, according to Mr Javid’s statement.

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